Friday, October 24, 2003

The Wal-mart Story
This story brought a smile/smirk to my mouth:

AP: Wal-mart Knew Of Illegal Workers
CNNMoney: 250 Arrested at Wal-mart

My smirk had nothing to do with illegal immigrants being arrested. It was due to numerous off the cuff comments & jokes that my 3rd career might have to be at Wal-mart. Apparently, even the competition for being a Janitor at Wal-mart is fierce and the wages are a "race to the bottom" as they say.

Software Development Salary Survey
A couple of folks e-mailed me about Software Development's site being down. (It must have been all the traffic I was sending their way) ;-) At the moment, it is currently up and running. Here is the direct link to their salary survey. Again, you will need to register.

A New Career in Marketing for "it"?
Still pondering a post-IT career for "it", I had to give being a marketer another thought. Apparently, the title of this 'blog was quite "creative". I was merely trying to see if Google had found this blog. When I searched, the results surprised me. Here is the search on Google for "OutsourceIT" 952 Hits! Again, very unscientific sampling, but since n > 30, apparently Outsourcing has become a very popular marketing tag line.