Friday, October 10, 2003

Let's Frame the Debate
Very recently, the company that I work for Lawson Software announced that they were simultaneously laying off 82 works (5%) of the company while making plans to off-shore some software maintenance and testing. So, this topic hit pretty close to home. Several articles began floating around about this trend. Here are two of them at opposite ends of the spectrum about where these trends are heading.

Forrester Research says that between 1 million and 3.3 million IT jobs will be shipped off-shore. --Full Story--

The Coming Job Boom
An article in Business 2.0 says that even IF 3.3 million jobs are lost that number will not nearly be enough to replace all of the baby boomers that will be retiring soon. The article says that it is a matter of simple demographics.

E-mail me your thoughts on what the future holds in general and you specifically.