Tuesday, October 14, 2003

Andy Grove warns of Software Downfall
I've heard from a few folks since I started doing this, folks still seem to be on edge. Just when you think it's safe to put your head back down and write some serious code, somebody shares with you another note.... Late last week a colleague shared the following article about Andy Grove's speech to software execs.

Aside from the otherwise somber tone to the article, the word I find most interesting is "Washington". So is there a political angle to the story? Political, indeed after the layoffs that occurred at my company, folks around here were saying that it also a moral question. Stayed tuned for more on the politics of this.

Speaking of political, the word "union" is sure to start a lively discussion. The notion of software developers unionizing seemed ridiculous only a few years ago. Now it is being seriously discussed in professional journals. See the following from Software Development. "it" (me, your blogger) is also familiar with at least one acquaintance who is currently voting on the unionization of the IT department for a local government entity. I'll post more as I hear it.

Stay in touch, and keep at least one eye on the keyboard!