Monday, March 01, 2004

What's up with Lou Dobb's?
A few days ago I stumbled onto Lou Dobb's list of companies that are out-sourcing. It was a friend of mine that pointed this out. Well, he certainly wasn't the only one that had noticed. About the same time, this showed up in the Wall Street Journal. I especially like this quote,

Mr. Dobbs insists he hasn't dramatically changed his tune, saying he just wants the U.S. government to study the consequences of outsourcing so it can make wise policy decisions. "I am an absolute free market capitalist, but I believe in true free markets and the importance of clear, accurate information to create free markets," he says.

Wise policy decisions....oxymoron?

A traditionally conservation columnist James Glassman is asking the same question, although he and "it" seem to be arriving at different conclusions. Glassman goes on to name Lou Dobb's list, the Dobb's Rogue Fund. He goes on to quote Adam Smith. I must say that I did read Adam Smith, but am I reminded of my favorite line from "A beautiful Mind", Smith must be revised.