Monday, February 09, 2004

In the Legislature Last Week
I apologize to my out of state readers for keeping my recent posts so Minnesota focused, but I feel duty bound to cover this for my local readers. This point was underscored when I had a recent conversation with when of my 'blog readers that they did not regularly read a Minnesota daily newspaper. Well, on this topic, consider "OutSourceIT" your next (if not better) best choice --how's that for humility?

In a rush of bi-partisan agreement, both major parties seem to be falling all over this one in violent agreement.
--Full Story-- OK so it isn't violent agreement, but the bill introduced by two DFL lawmakers was met with this from the speaker of the House:

"Certainly on the surface I'm concerned about Minnesota tax dollars going to contracts that are out of the country," Sviggum said.

The Bill Itself
And speaking of the bill, it's now posted as HF 1816. A similar bill is expected in the Senate later this week. I will post when it is online.