Wednesday, February 04, 2004

The Story Hits the Mainstream Media
Over the last several months I was beginning to feel like this topic was only for people like me and my loyal readers. Folks that hung out on 'blogs & read Slashdot along with e-mails from eWeek. Well my bubble burst, when my local paper the St. Paul Pioneer Press ran their top story this past Sunday on the topic. --Full Story-- It seems that while government might be taking a hands off, free market view to what private industry has been doing, they (government) may have been an un-witting participant in the process also.

The sidebar story that I am especially interested in is the "anti-disparagement" agreement that some displaced workers are asked to sign in order to get their severance. --Full Story-- It would seem that this is not a violation of free speech as these agreements are entered into "willingly" i.e. "Sign this document or forgo your severance package". Right -- willingly!

The first article on these agreements left me feeling a little un-settled and thinking there had to be more to the story than this. I was glad to see that Dave Beal, a Pioneer Press business columnist followed up with a more thorough & thoughtful piece on the subject --Full Story-- I'm not a huge fan of HR type, but an HR consultant in the story advises that you consult an attorney before signing one of these things. Come to think of it, I'm not a big fan of lawyers either, but it sounds like good advice.

How's that for timing
In a very related and personal note my company today announced that they had signed an agreement with an Indian consulting company for our new ODC - OffShore Development Center. While no public press release is available on the company's web site, I bring it up here, in cause it affects me in such a way that this 'blog is view as "disparaging".

Enjoy the 'blog while you can.