Thursday, March 04, 2004

Not really India, but Still Back-lash Aware
Then there is this piece hosted by the previously mentioned James Glassman. The author makes the following point about what the Indian government's Inter-Ministerial Working Group should do to promote outsourcing:

Get Fortune 500 companies to publicly explain the rationale behind their outsourcing. India should persuade major outsourcers like Accenture, EDS, American Express, General Electric, AT&T, Citicorp, and Bank of America to launch public relations campaigns explaining the rationale behind their outsourcing. India could draw upon the Computer Systems Policy Project, an industry consortium founded by Hewlett Packard, Intel, IBM, Dell, and NCR, which is lobbying hard against US's protectionist legislation.

"explain the rational behind their outsourcing"??? A business explain it's rationale?!?!?!?