Sunday, August 07, 2005

In my last post, I mentioned I was reading the Lexus and the Olive Tree. One of the things that really struck was Friedman's description of DOSCapital. Since this is a 'blog that techies read (thanks to *both* of you), the analogy of a nation to a computer was especially entertaining. He ranked countries from 1.0 to 6.0. Hungary being an example the former and the U.S. the latter.

This weekend I was away from home. While I was sitting by the pool watching my kids swim, I was thinking about one aspect DOSCapital -- bribery both in the public and private sector. As I was deep in thought, my wife asked if I would go get the newspaper. It was a little late in the day and the hotels stand was all sold out. I walked across the street to the gas station to buy one. I grabbed one put it on the counter and counted out my $1.75. There wasn't anyone behind the counter and frequently in situations like this I just leave the money and depart. As I was just about to do so, I noticed the clerk hurrying to the counter to provide "service". I waited and politely asked, "$1.75?". The reply surprised me, "No, that will be $30.75. The rest is my tip".

This is of course a joke in the U.S., but in many countries this is the norm. Ponder this thought then next time you are upset at how long the clerk at 7-11 is making you wait.