Monday, September 05, 2005

Labor Day Thoughts

As I tried to relax this Labor Day I began to think about what it’s like to labor for a living. The local news doesn’t give much hope for Organized Labor with the ongoing NWA mechanics strike that shows no signs of ending soon. The national news holds little to be excited about either with the split of three major unions from the AFL-CIO. While it might not be that much fun to “labor” for a living, I began thinking that it might not be that much fun to run a company right now (albeit higher paying). As a front line manager, I can definitely say that my job is non to enjoyable right now. Rather than ruin my weekend thinking about work, I decided to enjoy the fact that I got a few days off. Once I get back to the job, I will have plenty of time to figure out what it is that makes me think of greener pastures.

One of my escapes for Labor Day each year is to watch the US Open tennis tournament. It’s always a pleasant escape from the stress of work – sometimes it even gets me to out to play tennis as I did today. What does this have to do with this ‘blog? Well, last week watching the late night highlights, a young Indian female’s match was highlighted, Sania Mirza. The commentator, Patrick McEnrone, said that this young women, “is the hottest thing to come out of India since, well Outsourcing”. You know outsourcing is a major story when it’s used in a sportscast.

Here’s wishing your “labor” is enjoyable and if not, that at least you can support your family. – “it”