Thursday, October 14, 2004

Bill Gates says we have nothing to fear...
Bill Gates' Web Site - Speech Transcript: College of Engineering, University of California at Berkeley. Hmmm, that must be why he went on a college tour a few months back encourage college students to still consider Computer Science degree! (as reported here). If you haven't registered for the NY Times, here's a CNET Interview about Bill's college tour.
Outsourcing is Indeed Big Business in India
In case we needed a metric that the jobs are increasing somewhere - Bangalore. Short & Sweet on Infosys.

You know it's a big deal when...
Interestingly enough, I was alerted to this item by my local talk radio station. Now before you jump to conclusions about my politics, I will say that I listen only to hear the morning sports report. The host - Bob Davis said three things that left me dumb-founded:

  1. That the outsourcing "issue" will build up until November 2, then disappear.
  2. That this is all coming from a bunch of IT folks, that had it "too good" in the 90's
  3. And most amazingly, that to a company, it's employees are a *liability*.

This last point brought a couple of irate callers, to which Bob responded in true talk radio fashion -- shouting him down, interrupting, etc. Feel free to deluge Bob's mailbox to let him know what you think of his ideas.