Tuesday, September 28, 2004

We'd be Nuts to Outsource
So says the recent cover of the most recent Information Week.

The quote is from Linda Dillman, CIO of Wal-Mart. I quickly skimmed the article while watching my son's soccer game tonight. While the headline grabbing title was more thrilling than the content, but there were a couple of interesting quotes.

As with 95% of Wal-Mart's IT projects, the Information Systems Division will manage...relying very little on commercial software and not at all on outsourcing.

Dillman, went on to say, "We can implment things faster than anyone could with a third party. We run the entire work out of the facilities in this area at a cost that no one can touch -- We'd be nuts to outsource."

While the article was slightly disappointing, it is refreshing to see an exec at a visible company saying that lowering your IT labor cost is no guarantee of a lower priced solution.

Outsourcing Site at Information Week.
While you are at information week, you may want to bookmark their tab devoted to outsourcing. There are quite a few interesting stories here, including the one mentioned above.

So is Somthing Going On?
You can decide for yourself, but as I said in my last post, I'm feeling less nervous and potentially one of the reasons is that outsourcing may be "on the outs"