Saturday, March 13, 2004

Where the Rubber Meets the Road - Let the Buyer Decide
This story caught my eye. Beacon Journal | 03/13/2004 | Online lender lets borrower opt to avoid offshoring and before I started reading the story, I thought this would be about a successful as the "Made in the USA" campaign that we heard so much about 20 years ago. Then only a few paragraphs into it, I found this,

Customers who choose the offshore option get faster service -- as much as two days faster.

And that appears to matter: In the first six weeks of the program, 85 percent of E-Loan customers have opted for offshore processing, versus the 15 percent who've chosen the U.S.-based service.

I'm not surprised. We all want our own jobs to be safe from the effects of lower wages, but as consumers we want to benefit from lower wages. Are we really hypocrites at heart? Geez, some might suggest I'm starting to sound like Tom Friedman. Let the flaming begin.